Duke’s Experiential Education: Supporting undergraduates beyond campus
Duke undergraduate students engage in opportunities that stretch the world over. Experiential Education supports embedded course travel, global civic engagement, and fully immersive study away programs. Over 1,500 students will travel on Experiential Education programs this year, but what happens when a crisis strikes? In short, Duke continues to support its students even when they are far away from campus.
In this presentation, leaders from the Office of Global Health and Safety and the Office of Undergraduate Education's Division of Experiential Education will detail the model practices from their student support toolkits. The panel of experts has navigated international acts of terrorism, global pandemics, lost passports, missed connections, and everything in between. Join us to learn more about supporting student programming off campus.
Amanda Kelso, EdD
Assistant Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, Division of Experiential Education
Amy Bowes
Associate Director, Global Education Office
Emily Durham
Program Director, Rubenstein-Bing Student-Athlete Civic Engagement Program (ACE)
Anna Hayes
Director, Office of Global Health and Safety
Susan Pratt
Program Director, Duke Immerse
Catherine Angst, Director of Communications, Division of Experiential Education
Sponsored by: Office of Undergraduate Education's Division of Experiential Education, Duke Immerse, Office of Global Health and Safety, Global Education Office, Rubenstein-Bing Student-Athlete Civic Engagement Program (ACE)